
Virtual Event


Feb 05 2024


7:00 pm - 8:30 pm

FFD Statewide Call to Action

Learn about the most recent draconian Florida legislative proposals that will take more of our freedoms. FFDI board member Bob Schaeffer, a lifetime political consultant and public policy communications expert, will share.

Identify ways to take action NOW from Nancy Terreri, President of Lee County NOW and revered as The Post Card Lady!

Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89880907646?pwd=L2YyZDlDRE84Si91TnNmSzZlL09odz09%20

Learning about proposed new laws is the first step. It will arm you with all the resources you need to take action.

The second step is crucial: contacting lawmakers. Groups around the state have set up postcarding sessions. Join one or start your own! Gather your group – friends, family members, acquaintances – form social groups with anyone in pursuit of protecting our democracy. Big groups, small groups. Meet in homes, churches, libraries.

  • Host a postcarding party; let legislators know your concerns.
  • Collaborate with other pro-democracy groups; broaden the tent of engaged protectors of democracy.
  • Make sure others are registered to vote; educate them on the impact proposed laws will have on our freedoms.
  • Commit to expand FFDI participants.
  • Donate to the effort (contributions matched up to $25,000).
  • Have fun!

Now is the time for ACTION. The Florida legislature is only in session through March 8. Let your elected officials know how you feel. The window to persuade our elected officials is small. Don’t miss this opportunity. Let’s flood legislators with postcards from every corner of the state.