Project 2025

Republican Playbook: If Trump Wins in November

Project 2025 is the Republican playbook for the Trump administration if he wins in November.

Much of it is taken from the Nazi Party from the 1930s and is designed to secure unprecedented power for the president and limit the powers of Congress. This detailed plan is available on the Project 2025 website.

About Project 2025

Project 2025 is a collaboration of more than 100 conservative groups, with nearly 70% of its authors being senior staffers from Trump’s first administration. Who is behind this fascist plan? You can see a full breakdown of the contributors here.


Key Proposals

  1. Promising mass deportations of immigrants
  2. Only gender at birth will be recognized.
  3. Require local law enforcement to use stop and frisk on suspected illegal immigrants
  4. Cut funding for any school that has a vaccine or mask mandate
  5. Enact a 10% tariff on all imports
  6. Dismantle NOAA, the agency that tracks hurricanes and protects marine life because is one of the main drivers of the climate change alarm industry
  7. Defund the Department of Justice
  8. Dismantle the FBI 
  9. Eliminate the Departments of Education and Commerce. They oppose the DOE because it’s “the department of critical race theory.”
  10. Eliminate the Head Start Program that supports children’s growth from birth to age 5
  11. Install a pro-life task force to replace Biden’s reproductive health care program
  12. Enact Schedule F on his first day in office (more on that below)
  13. And there is much more. See the links below to learn more about this traitorous plan to put all the power in government in the hands of one man.

More on Schedule F

There are about 2 million career employees in government. They are merit-based government employees, experts, scholars, support staff, etc. For example, an engineer at NASA, or a climatologist at NOAA. 

They can’t be fired for political reasons. They run the government due to their training and expertise.

There are also about 4,000 political appointees who the President taps to run the various departments. They are at-will employees, who tend to leave when the administration changes.

By enacting Schedule F, the president would immediately reclassify about 50,000 political appointees or more. Now they would work exclusively for the president. And, their qualifications for the jobs would be loyalty to Trump over skills and abilities. They would essentially work for the President and not for the departments that hired them. For example, a meteorologist at the National Weather Service would have to draw its hurricane maps based on what the president thinks, not what the science says.

With loyalists in control of the government, Trump could bypass Congress by telling the FDA to reverse its approval of chemical abortion drugs saying they’re unsafe. This is his key to bypassing Congress and doing the incredibly damaging things he and his cronies what to do.


Robert Shea, a member of the Bush administration and a self-described “Hugely conservative, loyal Republican,” had this to say about Schedule F. “…hiring people based on personal political loyalties would produce ‘an army of suck-ups… I can’t overstate my level of concern about the damage this would do to the institution of the federal government…. You would have things formerly considered illegal or unconstitutional popping up all across the government like whack-a-mole.” “And the ability to fight them would be inhibited.”

Republican presidential candidate and former President Donald Trump holds a pair of his new line of signature shoes
Republican presidential candidate, former U.S. President Donald Trump

Looking Ahead

Trump made a lot of crazy promises last time but wasn’t able to do extreme damage. He didn’t have a staff or plan in mind because no one thought he would win. This time, he has a cadre of far-right advisors who came up with the Project 2025 plan. He has a radical right supreme court and a Republican party firmly behind him. His second term could be much, much worse.

He also said he plans to take retribution on all his enemies. “We will rout out the radical left thugs and vermin who lie and cheat on elections,” he said.

Find out how Project 2025 will decimate the American economy, destroy your savings, and ruin your life.